On 14-May-2001 Dekel Tsur wrote:
> In a multicolumn cell which doesn't include the first column of the tabular, 
> you should not have an option to enable left border (only right border).
> Here is an explanation why (from array.sty documentation):
>    As noted by the \LaTeX{} book, for the purpose of
>    "\multicolumn" each column with the exception of the first one
>    consists of the entry and the \emph{following} inter-column
>    material. This means that in a tabular with the preamble
>    "|l|l|l|l|" input such as "\multicolumn{2}{|c|}" in
>    anything other than the first column is incorrect.
>    In the standard array/tabular implementation this error is not so
>    noticeable as that version contains negative spacing so that each
>    "|" takes up no horizontal space. But since in this package the
>    vertical lines take up their natural width one sees two lines if
>    two are specified.

Well we probably should only enable 1 vertical rule for every side of a
column do that stuff like |l||l||l| is not possible anymore. Instead we
should have a selection box to select the look of the vertical rule so
we would not have this problem. But for the time being I put this in the
long todo list as now my priorities are to handle the font/language changing
stuff for text/tabular insets and also the FR-code. I just waited for someons
help with the iterators, but I see you all are quite busy so probably I'll
solve it my way and then change it to something cleaner (if I don't find
the way to make it clean now). As a last resort to clean up all this stuff
is the meeting in June where we normally solve this kind of stuff without
greater problems :)


Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
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