On 19/04/2024 2:42 am, Bernt Lie wrote:

I have a big document (lecture notes) where I **think** I have managed to convert it to v2.4.0 format. I have set property Instant preview to **on**.

I observe the following when I have saved and re-open the document:


  * Inline math is somewhat **lowered** from the baseline of the text
    (e.g., y in upper left corner)
  * Math font are weirdly small.

This is with 180% screen magnification on a 13 inch laptop (HP Dragonfly 12 gen intel) with 1920x1080 screen resolution.

If I **click** on the magnification in LyX, , and change it to 150%, and immediately change it back to 180%, the above text looks as follows:

Observe that **now**, the two problems mentioned above have been fixed: the inline math is not lowered wrt. text any longer, and the math has a reasonable size wrt. text.

Question: Is this a (minor) bug?

On windows 10, this issue has been present for some time, well before rc4. I've created a shortcut for

command-sequence buffer-zoom-in; buffer-zoom-out

which redraws all the previews to the correct size, although it can take some time if there are a *lot* of them.

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