On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Amir Karger wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 12:38:40PM +0100, Simon Dales wrote:
> > UKTUG is having an informal meeting in Oxford 27th July 2001. We are
> > going to be discussing GUI frontends to TeX, and obviously LyX is part
> > of that canon. Would you like send a delegate/speaker?
> >
> > I don't know all of your emails, so I just picked this from the bottom
> > of your webpage
> Hello, Simon.
> Thanks for your email. I'd love to come, but I'm a bit far from England. We
> do have a couple Brits on the development team who might be able to make it.
> I'm forwarding this to the lyx development list, where they'll see it. You
> can address any future correspondence to that address, too.

Here you go Angus.  It's your turn to get us an endorsement.

"LyX -- The only WYSIWYM document processor officially endorsed by the
UKTUG" could be a nice little addition to the website and splash page.

Hmmm... There's a point.  Maybe we should add our current sponsor to the
splash page for LyX?

Allan. (ARRae)

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