On Sat, 23 Jun 2001, Allan Rae wrote:
> Take a look at:
>       http://www.devel.lyx.org/~rae/www-user/
> I've switched to XHTML1-strict and started refining some of the CSS black
> magic -- I'm making it up as I go along based on what the DTD's say is
> okay.  If that works okay then I'll be an XML/XHTML/CSS guru in no time
> and can go and make millions building web sites ;-)
> Using the pretty blue from my own LyX page.
> Will probably need to check link colours etc for colour blindness etc. and
> the navbar is still green but it doesn't look that bad actually.

I've made some small experiments with the news_item function and quote
function for the LDNs and I think I prefer the old format I had with the
date or authors name under the section title rather than flush right.

Take a look at:

It's one of the few LDNs that Netscape will render at the moment.  Stuffed
if I know what triggers it.  That page uses all the same stuff as the
others that don't render -- the ones that fail just show the title, navbar
and if you're lucky the sponsors logo and w3c icons.

I also see massive delays with viewing pages because jigsaw.w3.org is down
at the moment and we're getting long timeouts from browsers.  I'm not sure
if that is the reason that Netscape isn't rendering half the LDNs at the
moment or if there is something else going on.  The LDNs and most of the
website are valid XHTML1-Strict now, but, as I said Netscape isn't
playing.  Opera meanwhile looks lovely although the timeouts to jigsaw are

I switched back to XHTML-Transitional but Netscape still isn't rendering
all the valid LDNs :(

It does look pretty.  Maybe just because it's different -- a change is as
good as a rest and all that sort of thing.

Allan. (ARRae)

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