On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 06:22:38PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Suetterlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter>   Hi, Just testing the latest CVS version of 1.1.6. Using the
> Peter> external inset (in my case a xfig figure) leaves empty files in
> Peter> the tmpdir. On exit LyX complains that it cannot remove the
> Peter> tempdir because it's not empty.

I don't have this problem.

> BTW, how is this stuff supposed to work??? AFAIK, the pstex_t
> component of an xfig figure already includes the .pstex part (named
> .eps here for some unknown reason). Can somebody give me clues? Asger?

When you run fig2dev -Lpstex_t -p foo.eps foo.fig,
the pstex_t file is:

<the text commands>

Since we want to use graphics and not epsfig, the fig2pstex.py script
runs fig2dev -Lpstex_t foo.fig (without the -p flag), and then the pstex_t
file contains only the text commands.
The code \begin{picture}(0,0)\includegraphics{foo.eps}\end{picture}
is inserted into the main tex file by the inset.

It is easy to change fig2pstex.py so it will create the following pstex_t file:

<the text commands>

and this is perhaps better than the current behavior.

I used foo.eps instead of foo.pstex because the latter might cause problems
if you change the graphics rules.

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