On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 07:29:54PM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> have a look at 
> http://www.myfonts.com/Person295.html
> Herbert

As far as I understand English, that sentence says that Zapf and other
gave recommendations for improvement of Metafont _program_ _not_ CM.

Check out the book:

     Hermann Zapf & his design philosophy : selected articles and
     lectures on calligraphy and contemporary developments in type
     design, with illustrations and bibliographical notes, and a
     complete list of his typefaces

It talks about Euler _only_ and how Zapf first time designed using
program (with Knuths help) while designing Euler for AMS. There is no
mention of CM. Since Euler was designed much after CM, and Zapf himself
says that was first time he used Metafont (or any other font design
program), what's the only logical conclusion?

I just checked the Preface to "The METAFONTbook" and Knuth himself says
    \MF\ is a system for the design of alphabets suited to raster-based
    devices that print or display text. The characters that you are
    reading were all designed with \MF\!, in a completely precise way;
    and they were developed rather hastily by the author of the system,
    who is a rank amateur at such things. It seems clear that further
    work with \MF\ has the potential of producing typefaces of real
    ^{beauty}. This manual has been written for people who would like to
    help advance the art of mathematical type design.
Do you believe me now?

FWIW, The METAFONTbook is dedicated:

    To  Hermann Zapf

         Whose strokes are the best

Best regards,
Zvezdan Petkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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