
I'm now using gBib as my BibTeX editor.
>From gBib I learned how to connect to the LyXServer pipe, by
setting this in the preferences.

However, when I have LyX running with the LyXServer pipe setting
of "/home/lahaye/.lyx/pipe", there supposed to be two files:


When I do repeatedly an "ls" in the .lyx directory, these files
seem to be not there all the time. On and off they appear in the
ls listing and then disappear the next time. Is that the right behaviour?

I came to this, because gBib seems to randomly been able or unable
to connect to the LyXServer. Half of the time gBib says:
   Opened -1 -1
   Couldn't open the pipes: No such file or directory
and the other half of the time it successfully connects:
   Opened 6 7
(Of course, once properly connected, the connection remains).

I assume that this is related to the presence of the pipe files
in the .lyx directory. Because these files are not there all the
time, it is a "miss or hit" chance when gBib tries to connect.

Anyway, I myself am not at all familiar with this pipe business.
However, I am wondering whether LyX is doing something funny/wrong
here, or gBib is doing the wrong action to connect to LyX.

BTW: I'm running LyX CVS on a FreeBSD 4.3 PC.


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