On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 03:17:41PM +0900, R. Lahaye wrote:

> I then would opt for both: allow a version flag to the lyx executable
> and generate a file or script ("lyx-config") with the version info.
> Many software handles a "-version" (and/or "--version") flag, so I
> thought it'll be useful to add this to LyX as well. For software under
> development this flag should output all necessary info for the developers.
> This output added to a bug report, could be most helpful.

I think a separate file/script is a bad idea. the something-config's are useful
for libraries and gcc flags, but we want --version to be useful for debugging the 
scenario where by accident some user has got a different version of lyx to the
contents of the relevant /usr/local/share/lyx directory (or whatever).

Whether this actually causes problems right now I don't know, but we should kee
version info with the binary so it will be clearer if it does.


"Voodoo Programming:  Things programmers do that they know shouldn't work but
 they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as recompiling
        - Karl Lehenbauer

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