It seems that some people didn't read what I wrote or maybe I didn't write
enough.  So here are a few reasons why what you complained about look like
they do:

Rob wrote:
> When I use the scrollbar to have a look at the bottom of the text frame,
> also the menu is scrolling away.
> Can you make the scrollbar such that it only scrolls the text frame, so
> that the menu on the left remains in place?

Allan originally wrote:
> The menubar scrolls with the text because Galeon/Mozilla don't render
> it properly otherwise.

I've done a fair bit of playing with this and it seems to be just another
Mozilla bug.  But I can't find a work around.  The fixed menu works if you
have a background image, like on the site, but when I add the
extra image for the background of the main text the menu is rendered with
a default colour background rather than transparent.  However, if I just
let it float (so it scrolls) then Mozilla renders it transparent -- go

André Pönitz wrote:
> Why this different background for the "border"?
> Whey yellow on black?
> [I don't ask "Why blue?"]
> > This was just an experiment to see what could be done.  It isn't
> > necessarily a suggested scheme for use on
> What a relief...

The answer to your first question is included in the section of my email
you quoted above.  It was an experiment.  What the actual image is is
irrelevent.  It's just an image I had lying around that I could use to see
what could be done using CSS.

But the following is also relevent:
> The images are just for testing so don't complain about them either.

As for the "yellow on black" for the menu in Netscape:
Allan originally wrote:
> The menu is rendered with a black background in Netscape -- the simple
> fixes for this we've used in the past don't seem to be working now.

This is because Netscape like Mozilla above renders the menu with a
default colour instead of rendering it transparent like it's supposed to

Then Juergen chimed in with:
> You forgot to say that one should not complain about the background
> image of the text not being the whole vertical height and so it seems
> a bit strange seeing the text going of it's background color on the
> top. Otherwise it would be nice. (tested on Opera 5.0 that was the
> browser I had open when I read your mail)

This rendering error is present in every browser I tested with (opera, NS,
IE, Moz/Galeon).  I tried using a setting of "margin-top: -2em;" but the
height error varies with different browsers  (some need -1em others up to
-3em).  Similarly they all fall short of the right page edge even though I
set the "margin-right: 0em;".  Again this can be "fixed" with a negative
right margin but again the distance is different for each browser.

So the simplest way to get nice web pages seems to be to get everyone to
use Opera.  At least it does most things right.  It's also the only
browser I have that gets close to what the page should look like when the
menu is fixed to the screen (so it doesn't scroll).

BTW,  it is also possible to allow the images behind the main text to
scroll with the text but I thought it looked better fixed in place.  But
then again most browsers ignore this setting.

See how tough it is to get consistent or at least acceptable page
rendering across multiple browsers?

Mike Ressler says:
> I rather like it :-)

So do I.  If only I could get it working across all the browsers (with the
menu fixed in place again).

Allan. (ARRae)

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