On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 02:37:30PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > > >> 21. When entering a multi-line equation, and the beginning of the
> > > >> second (or following) line begins with a "[" character, LaTeX
> > > >> sometimes gets confused. To avoid problems, it is necessary to add
> > > >> {} in TeX mode just before the bracket, as in the following
> > > >> example:x(t) & = & 1\nonumber \\ {}[x(t)+1] & = & 2
> I guess this is because the [] gets interpreted as an optional argument to
> \\. 
> What should I do? 

Nothing. As I said, this problem doesn't exist in align, and align is the
preferred way for multi-line equations.

Note that we do need support for the optional argument to \\

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