On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 08:09:34PM +0100, Jules Bean wrote:
> And, potentially, you could actually properly display (simple) macros
> that the user himself might have defined in the LaTeX preamble window, 
> directly, or by \usepackage'ing something which LyX doesn't know
> about.
> The main point about the above method is it tells you that the
> charecter for entails (the |- turn-stile) is located at character ` in 
> the mathsy font.  Since we now have postscript access to the math
> font, we could then display it straight away.

I have pondered the whole business a bit last night and I think the
following is a feasible approach in the next unstable series:

  1 improve the parser to interpret some of TeX's typesetting primitives
    properly including support for drawing on screen 
  2 make the set of predefined macros "dynamic"
    (2a put them in an extern file (?))
    (2b include metrics information for faster drawing (?))
  3 on input of an unknow macro (be it from a file or manually):
     3a use Jules's TeX magic to determine what TeX would do
     3b try to parse it
     3c if the latter succeeds:
          - add the macro the set of "predefined macro"
          - use it as  \lor etc is used nowadays.
          - display it as red text "as usual"
     (3d offer a possibility to add the new macros permanently to the 
         set of "predefined macros")


André Pönitz ............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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