On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 12:07:39PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
>   Unless you have other features/bug fixes it easier to add it my self than
> to have all the trouble with patching and unpatching. ;-)


If you ask so:

- reLyXmain.pl: 97  \\documentclass, not \documentclass

- many regexes: you could liberally add \s* ... For instance to recognize
  \geometry {
        tmargin = 3 cm
  But this should certainly be done as a pre-processing somewhere

> > >  311                  print "Geometry option $op\n" if $debug_on;
> > >  312              }
> > >  313          }
> > > ...
>   Thanks. :-)

My pleasure!

> > -- 
> >     Yves
> -- 
> José


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