On 20 Sep 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> While working on the Document Dialog I detected a bug which seems
> >> to be there for a long time (it's in 1.1.6 too). It's very easy to
> >> reproduce:
> >>
> >> Go to the Document Dialog and change the class. The nasty popup
> >> pops up. Confirm the question: the class options will be reset to
> >> default. Now change the class back to the first one immediately.
> >> Neither the popup appears nor will the options be reset (you can
> >> see this very easy with article -> book -> article, where the Side
> >> is set to One -> Two -> [still] Two).
> Allan> IMO, if the silly class change dialog had been shifted to be
> Allan> handled when Okay/Apply were pressed this bug also would have
> Allan> been fixed.
> Of course, but this would have been misleading because the change
> would be done when doing OK and the user would not have a way to see
> what happens.

Just because a user can't see the changes wouldn't make it misleading.
Changing to a different class in my experience has always involved saying
"yes" to the question -- when you take a paper for a conference and want
to turn it into a journal article you have to comply with what the journal
wants (so you have to use their formatting).

I think the autoreset stuff is just making the interface more complicated
(not quite the word I want... maybe confusing, because things are
happening automatically -- so a warning message would be useful but then
we get back to the annoying little dialog again...)

Allan. (ARRae)

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