I propose the following to match COPYING. IT's also clearer IMHO


Index: about/license.php3
RCS file: /usr/local/lyx/cvsroot/www-user/about/license.php3,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 license.php3
--- about/license.php3  2001/06/27 07:53:22     1.4
+++ about/license.php3  2001/10/30 22:28:00
@@ -12,68 +12,18 @@
       <h2>What license applies to LyX?</h2>
-<p>While LyX has been released nominally under the GPL in the past, it
-has in fact never been truly GPL.  Particularly, it has always been
-linked to a closed source library.  While some have taken a view that
-such actions violate the GPL, this is a legal impossibility.  The law
-is quite clear that the release of the software by the original authors
-and copyright holders changed the licenses. </p>
-Rather than leaving the issue to be debated, the following
-clarifications are given.  This is *not* a change of license, but a
-clarification of the license that LyX has always used.  All patches
-submitted to LyX fall under this same license.</p>
-1) LyX is quasi-GPL software.  The terms of the GPL apply save where
-they conflict with this statement.</p>
-2) There is no limitation on the license or nature of any software,
-source, binary, library, or other, that may be linked to LyX, or to
-which LyX may be linked.  Particularly, the second full paragraph of
-section 2, from 'These requirements apply to the modified work'
-through 'who wrote it.' is rejected in its entirety. </p>
-3) There is no limitation on combining LyX source code with code
-subject to any other license, provided that the LyX source remains
-under this same license.  Particularly,  Section 3 of the GPL is
-rejected in its entirety. To redistribute a modified version of LyX,
-the entire source code of the modified LyX must be made available under
-the terms of this license or such other licenses as apply to portions
-of the original or modified code.</p>
-4) Any other clause or interpretation of the GPL limiting the
-combination of other software of any type and LyX is rejected in its
-entirety, provided that the LyX code and modifications to the LyX
-source code remains under this same license, or such other licenses as
-apply to portions of the original or modified code.</p>
-5)  Nothing in this statement purports to alter or interpret the
-license of any other software.  Any combination of other software with
-LyX must also meet the requirements of that software.</p>
-      <p>A copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 follows.</p>
-      <table width="100%" border="0">
-      <tr>
-         <td class="license"></td>
-         <td>Yours,</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-         <td class="license"></td>
-         <td>The LyX Team</td>
-      </tr>
-      </table>
+The LyX license is the GPL version 2 or above. 
+In addition, as a special exception, the LyX Team gives permission to 
+link the code of this program with the XForms library (or with modified 
+versions of XForms that use the same license as XForms), and distribute 
+linked combinations including the two.  You must obey the GNU General 
+Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than XForms.  
+If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of 
+the file, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, 
+delete this exception statement from your version.
       <hr />
"If the software that a company produces isn't reliable, adding a bunch of
'Mother, may I' rules to the language and the code won't fix it."
        - Pete Becker

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