On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 07:50:03PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 04:53:49PM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > 
> > Patch attached. To test it, you need  Maple and tclsh somewhere in $PATH.
> Is tcl the best language for this job?

Hell, not that discussion again.

Tcl is what I use every day, and it is installed with the base system on SuSE
boxes, so I don't feel bad using it.

And it is certainly not the worst choice. 

You are free to add any script in any language and name it
'extern_maple_using_my_favourite_language' and call it with 'M-x math-extern
maple_using_my_favourite_language'. So the choice of Tcl for the "reference
implementation" is not limitation at all.

> What about lisp/scheme ? (are there fast/small lisp interpreters ?)

As long as you don't even know whether there are interpreters available I
don't think you are in good shape for such discussions...

> [...]
> However, when mathed contains $x/y$, the result is $y/x={racyx}$
> (the result return by maple is '{\frac {y}{x}}' )

I cannot reproduce this. Looks ok here.


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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