On Tue, Nov 06, 2001 at 05:06:01PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > I think I'll change to some "native C++" solution for the math-extern
> > "transformations". Proper quoting special chars ($, [, ] etc) seems to get
> > pretty messy in Perl and Tcl - to an extend where I can't sense much
> > benefits from the scripting anymore.
> Can you explain in more details what is the problem ? (with examples)

Sample Tcl-parser for  the "math normal" format:

 set input {[frac 1 [sqrt 3]]}
 set parsed [subst -nobackslashes -novariables $input]

and things like

 proc frac {num denom} { return "($num/$denom)" }
 proc sqrt {base}      { return "(sqrt($base))" }

Works fairly well, unless you want square brackets in the output.
Working around is managable, but not nice.

Apart from there are the "usual disadvantages" like one more external
dependency etc.


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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