
I don't know if I can say something (since I'm not a developer) but:

Ŕ (At) 11:36 +0100 22/11/2001, Juergen Spitzmueller écrivait (wrote) :
>Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
>>  Here is a list of international quotation marks.
>And here's the translation :-)

And some comments (with TeX-like notation for quotes) for the 
language I know and (typographically) use everyday:

>Englisch "Tex t "

And inner ` '.  In British English, it's: `text ``again'' end'

>Französisch « Tex t » Zwischenraum: bis zu einem Viertelgeviert

« a ``aaaa  `a' aaaaa'' aaaa »


« a `aaaa  ``a'' aaaaa' aaaa »

and the space for «» is a normal non-breakable space (not a small 
one), the other as in English.

>Spanisch "Tex t "

More « `` '' » in non-newspaper place...

Anyway, Lyx could provide default quotation marks for a language and 
the user could change each level independently.



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