On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 10:26:21AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > As for the contest I think we have had arguements on that earlier this
> > year and nobody wanted to change from the existing creature design.
> > The pretty anti-aliased version will be used soon enough but it is
> > still the same design.
>   I love the present design, I only want a name for our pet. And no
> John, I don't think that he is called Steve. :-)

I suppose one question we might want to answer first is: Is "it" a he,
she or an it?

I like the sounds of the name "Aeryn" myself (pronounced something
like air-rin) but that's female and she's Sebacean -- not that
there's anything wrong with that ;-)

Our mascot actually looks more like Rygel the 16th, Hynerian Dominar
-- apart from the beak and the big webbed feet.  Okay, maybe it
doesn't really look anything like him at all.

"Farscape" is the Sci-Fi these names are coming from, BTW.


It's made here in Australia with US dollars and so on. Naturally
enough we are only part way through season two even though season
three is almost finished elsewhere.

It's not a scratch on Babylon 5 but it is on tv at the moment.

Allan. (ARRae)  I like the blue ones.

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