On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 11:06:07AM -0500, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Using the spellchecker under Lyx it crashed by 
> finding the word `entrain´
> where entrain´ was highlighted. 
> I reacted to it by saying ignore,
> but Lyx crashed:
> Invalid word "entrain'": The character ''' may not appear at the end of a 
> word.
> lyx: Attempting to save document /home/wolfgang/Book-chrono/e-o1.lyx as...
>   /home/wolfgang/Book-chrono/e-o1.lyx.emergency
>   Save seems successful. Phew.
> Nothing serious, but I wonder where I could report this error.

Please report bugs to the lyx-devel mailing list.
You should report your version of lyx.

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