Adam Fowler a écrit :

> Hello all,  [...]


> I just tried following the guidelines for adding DocBook XML support via
> db2lyx and it failed miserably. I finally got the thing to configure,
> then after restarting and re-configuring lyx and re-starting again, the
> import/export options were still not available! Any ideas?

Well, more details are welcome: what is the XSLT you use? Is everything
expected by the package is installed? Could you provide the output from the
config_xml script?

> Also, does anyone know if db2lyx supports XML entities? I would have a
> trawl through the source but its midnight and I need my beauty sleep
> (yes, I'm lazy). On the project we have a main file with the DTD in that
> declares some entities and then imports them. They basically refer to a
> chapter each which exist in sub-directories of the main tomcatbook.xml
> file's directory. With multiple developers, this is pretty fundamental.
> I suppose it is possible to write an import/export filter that takes a
> chapter XML document, adds the required top level elements, notes where
> they are, then imports the file. Then on exporting, removes the top
> level elements again. Its all a bit complex, mind.

Multi-parts ducuments are supported *but* importing the main document
doesn't create as many lyx files as XML ones. It imports all the files in a
single lyx file. However, importing each part independandtly works fine,
and exporting them works too, provided that lyx knows it is included in a
main file. In brief, it can work, but it is not as automatic as you could
expect. That's something that should be improved...

About the troubles you have with db2lyx please tell me what happens so that
I can find out what's wrong.


PS : Jose, you looked at db2lyx some time ago; have you improved the
configuration process? Have you committed something somewhere?

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