Open the attached file
Place the cursor between the first - and "place-cursor-here"
Edit->Math->Add Column

Lyx -version

LyX 1.2.0cvs of Thu, Jan 11, 2001
Built on Mar 25 2002, 14:21:10
   Host type:                      i686-pc-linux-gnu
   Special build flags:            warnings assertions included-libsigc 
   C   Compiler:                   gcc
   C   Compiler flags:             -g -O2
   C++ Compiler:                   g++ (3.0.4)
   C++ Compiler flags:             -g -O -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -W -Wall
   Linker flags:
   Frontend:                       xforms
     libXpm version:               4.11
     libforms version:             0.89.6
   LyX binary dir:                 /home2/marco/local/lyx-1.2/bin
   LyX files dir:                  /home2/marco/local/lyx-1.2/share/lyx

backtrace: I get different backtraces if I place the cursor elsewere 
inside the formula (and sometimes lyx does not crash). Anyway here are 
two backtraces:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0812c831 in MathCursor::normalize() (this=0x839a138) at math_cursor.C:957
957             if (idx() >= par()->nargs()) {
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0812c831 in MathCursor::normalize() (this=0x839a138) at 
#1  0x081230f0 in InsetFormulaBase::localDispatch(BufferView*, 
kb_action, std::string const&) (this=0x83afba0, bv=0x8384010, 
     arg=@0xbffff110) at formulabase.C:727
#2  0x081276fd in InsetFormula::localDispatch(BufferView*, kb_action, 
std::string const&) (this=0x83afba0, bv=0x8384010, 
     arg=@0xbffff110) at formula.C:510
#3  0x080c4daa in LyXFunc::dispatch(kb_action, std::string) 
     action=LFUN_MATH_COLUMN_INSERT, argument=0xbffff110) at lyxfunc.C:894
#4  0x080c44d5 in LyXFunc::verboseDispatch(kb_action, std::string 
const&, bool)
     (this=0x8360888, action=LFUN_MATH_COLUMN_INSERT, argument=@0xbffff180,
     show_sc=true) at lyxfunc.C:794
#5  0x080c444e in LyXFunc::verboseDispatch(int, bool) (this=0x8360888, 
     show_sc=1) at lyxfunc.C:786
#6  0x081cf1c3 in Menubar::Pimpl::MenuCallback(flobjs_*, long) 
     button=1) at Menubar_pimpl.C:586
#7  0x081cb5c1 in C_Menubar_Pimpl_MenuCallback (ob=0x837f078, button=1)
     at Menubar_pimpl.C:80
#8  0x4004364e in fl_object_qread () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#9  0x40053fc8 in fl_check_forms () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#10 0x081cab78 in GUIRunTime::runTime() () at GUIRunTime.C:94
#11 0x080b7424 in LyXGUI::runTime() (this=0x8325290) at lyx_gui.C:292
#12 0x080b846f in LyX::LyX(int*, char**) (this=0xbffff3f4, argc=0xbffff444,
     argv=0xbffff4a4) at ../boost/boost/smart_ptr.hpp:102
#13 0x080e67f5 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff4a4) at ../src/main.C:38
#14 0x402bb7ee in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

insetButtonPress: 401 323 but: 1
this should not really happen - 1: 1 0
############  idx_ 1 not valid
this should not really happen - 2: 10 ############  idx_ 1 not valid
0 in idx: 1 in atom: 'MathInset::write() called directly!

############  idx_ 1 not valid
############  idx_ 1 not valid
############  idx_ 1 not valid

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403bc1da in main_arena () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x403bc1da in main_arena () from /lib/
#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x403bc1da in main_arena () from /lib/
#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()


Marco Morandini
#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_inset Formula \begin{eqnarray*}
\delta \TT C^{-1} & = & \frac{\ds \partial \TT C^{-1}}{\ds \partial \TT C}:\delta \TT 
 & = & -\left(\TT C^{-1}\otimes \TT C^{-place-cursor-here}\right)^{T1423}:\delta \TT C



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