Since Caesar has been killed, there are problems with some special kind of 
entries: those who cannot be parsed correctly by biblio.C. The citation style 
choice is empty in that case and I cannot chose a style.
I have collected a few of those entries, some are from xampl.bib

Just one example: If I have an entry with an empty year field, bibtex displays 
it as "Name (o.J.)" [o.J. = "ohne Jahresangabe" = "no year"], I can do:

\citet{Spi}  ==>>  Spitzmüller (o.J.) 
\citep{Spi}  ==>> (Spitzmüller, o.J.)
\citealt{Spi}          ==>> Spitzmüller o.J.
\citealp{Spi}          ==>> Spitzmüller, o.J.
\citeauthor{Spi}       ==>> Spitzmüller
\citeyear{Spi}         ==>> o.J.
\citeyearpar{Spi}      ==>> (o.J.)

but not in current lyx-cvs.
So I'd vote for reanimating Caesar.


Some (correct!) examples that are failing:

  Author         = {Spitzm\"uller, J\"urgen},
  Title          = {An unpublished essay},
  HowPublished   = {Private copy},

   key = "Manmaker",
   title = "The Definitive Computer Manual",
   year = "1984",

   key = "Kn{\printfirst{v}{1987}}",
   title = "The Programming of Computer Art",
   year = "1987",

   author = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul {\={P}}ot",
   title = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results",
   note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED entry)",

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