Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 04:59:09PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> > [...] In contrast, I believe LyX to have the necessary infrastructure for
> > that kind of functionality.
> At least partially... I believe so, too.
> > [...]  Even in those areas where LyX _does_ know its things
> > (like in math formulas), some people might not be adverse to having
> > an option to let LyX replace its own rendition of them by a true
> > LaTeX one as long as one is not actively editing the formula.
> Actually I have been playing with this idea after I've seen your
> preview-LaTeX package in action. I am fairly sure that can be done
> at least for mathed by using a mechanism similar to what we already
> do there for macro editing [Macro with arguments change their
> appearance to allow editing parameters when the cursor is "in" the
> macro. Probably not the best piece of user-interaction, but it
> "works"].

That's the point.  preview-latex has an auto-reveal-mode where it
automatically opens stuff you enter (the default is to cater previews
just as one single big character).  This can be turned on and off and
made dependent on some condition.  The setting I use personally is to
auto-open stuff if you are moving into it with cursor-left-right, but
to keep it as a single character-like entity for other movements.
This is wildly inconsistent (word-left-right will not trigger it).  It
also makes the display jump spontaneously when you are moving into and
out of those areas.  But it "works", as in "becomes convenient".  Your
macro editing sounds just like that.

> Additionally I'd probably allow "plain LaTeX" editing, too, to
> accomodate people who'd like to use the "hard way" (or want to use
> "unusual" stuff).
> So in the end we'd have four cases:
>   (a) cursor outside an inset, inset rendered by LyX (as we do now)
>   (b) cursor outside an inset, inset rendered by LaTeX (your proposal)
>   (c) cursor inside an inset, inset rendered by LyX (as we do now)
>   (d) cursor inside an inset, inset rendered as plain LaTeX source.
> (a) and (c)  is what we have right now,

Actually, (d) is "Evil Red Text" IIRC, and so the code for it should
mostly exist already.

> (b) and (d) is what preview-LaTeX does right now.

It is not automatic.  You can toggle between (b) and (d) regardless of
the cursor position (although auto-reveal automates that).  Editing
changes permanently to state (d), you have to manually request
regeneration (easy) for this to generate a new (b) (adjacent changed
areas are merged into a single LaTeX/DviPS/GhostScript run).  At the
current point of time, preview-latex is defensive in resource usage;
you need an explicit request to let it start the background
machinations.  Part of the reason is that there are associated fixed
costs with starting up LaTeX, DviPS and GhostScript, and one would
want to group requests as much as possible.  LaTeX startup time can be
considerably reduced by dumping formats (the CVS version of
preview-latex uses Carlisle's mylatex.ltx for that purpose).  The
ultimate goal would be to keep one pipe running.  DviPS cannot really
be made to fit into that scheme, one would probably want to ultimately
replace it with a DVI to bitmap rendering daemon.  GhostScript could
probably be kept running efficiently across multiple DviPS runs if you
did clever resource management (do not download already present fonts
and other stuff etc).  But that's all future stuff to think about.

> Toggling between ( (a) and (b) ) and ( (c) and (d) ) could be done
> by some hotkey, so "the whole is more than sum of the parts"...

Yes.  That's exactly the work principle behind this: preview-latex
itself does appallingly little except delegating work.

> > While most of the _determination_ of the previewable parts would
> > probably already be done by LyX itself, the actual extraction
> > (with the help of the preview environment provided by the style)
> > could still be accomplished using that package.  I would be glad
> > to be of assistance if particular options or general advice would
> > be necessary in order to generate a version suitable for working
> > with LyX.
> I'd basically need a _fast_ way to get some rendered bitmap out of a
> string like $a^2+b^2$. That's it. The "obvious" solution would be to
> create some temp.tex, run LaTeX on it, convert the dvi. I don't know
> how 'fast' this is, though.

If you start with a pregenerated format, surprisingly so.  But you
want to have this work asynchronously: editing should not block
actively while the rendered bitmaps trundle in.  What made me start
this project at all was Emacs-21' ability to directly place EPS files
into its buffer.  Within one week, I had code ready that would place
display formulas in the buffer.  Even before the first regular
release, this approach had to be scrapped, and still is (the historic
code is still in and you can enable it, but it probably has suffered
bit rot by now).  The problem was that Emacs rendered on-demand.
Scroll to a page with 20 previews on them, and Emacs started 20
GhostScript processes and would block until most of them were finished
placing their bitmaps right into the window.  You could not really
scroll once you had activated the package.  That's not acceptable.  So
preview-latex calls up GhostScript itself, rendering the on-display
previews with priority into PNGs, and finishes the other previews
afterwards.  Emacs still reads in those PNGs just on-demand, but this
does not slow it down anything like before.  And the stuff runs in
background (well, pseudo-background.  Emacs does not really
multi-thread, but it has an event loop where it can react to output
arriving from separate processes).  This is quite important for its
acceptance: does LyX offer some sort of multithreading or
asynchronicity or the like?  Even just a possibility to call some code
when it happens to idle or look for input?

> I suppose preview-latex can help here already, but I am not sure how
> far it helps...

You could use the PostScript startup (colour, resolution, bitmap
sizes) and PostScript source positioning code (in order to change the
order of processing so that one can generate the more urgent images
first) it contains, and the LaTeX styles, and take a look at what gets
written to the files during format generation and elsewhere in its
LaTeX startup, but apart from that, most of the code is in Emacs Lisp,
and would serve for little more than as an example.

> > Of course, since preview-latex is GPLed software, you would be
> > free to incorporate and read all of it that you want into LyX,
> > anyhow.
> You know, there is always some difference between "incorporatin
> GPLed software" and "incorporating GPLed software with active help
> of its author"...

Actually, the license issue is probably pretty moot anyway since
copyright covers the actual expressions of the idea, and those are
currently mostly in ELisp.  So I do not know how much of an actual
help I will prove.  But I have found that doing things right for my
project requires good judgment which of the glue parts one does best
with external programs, which one should code in PostScript, which in
TeX, which in Lisp (in this case), and what existing tools and
packages offer assistance.  There are few people around with the
necessary expertise in all of those areas.  I am the only in the
preview-latex team that can manage most of the core areas involved.
The areas others work on involve Emacs, XEmacs, documentation,
installation.  I'll be glad to offer opinions and assistance where
required on those matters.

> Actually I did not expect /you/ to show up on this list with such an
> offer of assistance. You are certainly welcome here ;-)

I am just being selfish.  I have decided I want to try my luck at
making a living with TeX-based stuff.  That means arrangements with
the real world.  Whatever I can do to make people buy into TeX/LaTeX,
I'll do.  This will mean that I will have to cater for operating
systems and environments I would not prefer for personal work.  When I
am forced to use and offer them, I better make sure that I do all that
is reasonable to ensure this will be as painless as it gets for me and
prospective customers.

And don't you believe I am not perfectly capable of stealing any good
code that you may develop in the course of implementing some
preview-LyX functionality.  Just tying together the work of others is
one of the main strengths of preview-latex.  Since it is at its core
still a single-person effort, not much more is possible.  So what
better way to fill in missing links than persuade others to do the
work for their own purposes?

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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