On Wednesday 03 July 2002 11:12, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> | Fine, that work, I don't have "segmentation fault" anymore.
> | Now get an "illegal instruction" as before.
> Linker problem?
> Perhaps upgrade binutils?

I have this problem with two computers: powerpc and i586

LyX 1.3.0cvs of Fri, May 3, 2002
Built on Jul  2 2002, 23:29:09
  Host type:                      powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:            warnings assertions xforms-image-loader
  C   Compiler:                   gcc
  C   Compiler flags:             -g -O2
  C++ Compiler:                   g++ (2.95.3)
  C++ Compiler flags:             -g -O -W -Wall
  Linker flags:
  Frontend:                       xforms
    libXpm version:               4.11
    libforms version:             1.0.0
  LyX binary dir:                 /opt/utils/bin
  LyX files dir:                  /opt/utils/share/lyx-CVS

LyX 1.3.0cvs of Fri, May 3, 2002
Built on Jul  2 2002, 11:10:10
  Host type:                      i586-pc-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:            warnings assertions xforms-image-loader
  C   Compiler:                   gcc
  C   Compiler flags:             -g -O2
  C++ Compiler:                   g++ (
  C++ Compiler flags:             -O -W -Wall
  Linker flags:                    -L/opt/Util/lib
  Frontend:                       xforms
    libXpm version:               4.11
    libforms version:             0.89.6
  LyX binary dir:                 /opt/Util/bin
  LyX files dir:                  /opt/Util/share/lyx-CVS

Here are the binutils version for respectively the two systems

[ibook]:piroux > ld -version
GNU ld version 2.12.1
Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  This program has absolutely no warranty.

[europa]:piroux> ld -version
GNU ld 2.10.1
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  This program has absolutely no warranty.
  Supported emulations:

So it's the last version for the powerpc. 
The two systems are based on linux-from-scratch. But it's the first time I 
have problem like that. I've been using these systems for restectively one 
and two years.
But what is _very_ strange, is that I have no problem with lyx-1.2.0

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