On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 09:28:56AM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> I don't understand really what problems you have with this?
> Why do you need two different objects?

Mainly because commingling (oooh yeah) two different purposes into the
one buffer is really bad UI

> Isn't it possible to
> do this internal to the Minibuffer-Object?

No. What do I return for isEditingMode() ? Yes AND no ?

> Why should the core
> care to change between a StatusBar and a Minibuffer.

The core doesn't know about /either/ of these things in my design. It
just has a LyXView::statusMessage(string), and it us up tothe frontend
to do what it likes.

> What real
> problem do you have to make this internal to the object?

Just look at the methods I have to implement and the code in
MiniBuffer.C ! e.g. MiniBuffer::message()

Rather I would turn it round and ask: what is your problem with my
changes ?

> You just have to define a Input object and a display object and
> change between them when needed. That shouldn't be that big of
> a problem (just show/hide calls to the objects which have the same
> size/position).

I don't think you understand: they are two entirely separate UI objects,
both visible at once.

> IMO that for the core it should be just one object
> to not complicate the stuff to much

What is copmlicated about the 3 or 4 methods I have outlined ? It
couldn't get much simpler :

        vector<string> showCompletions(string prefix)
        string showShortcuts(string cmd)
        void dispatch(string cmd)

is what the core implements. The frontend may now do as it chooses.

> and for the frontend it should
> be really easy to implement this as such.

My design is /far/ simpler to implement.

> But obviously you are the qt expert

Well I don't know zip about Qt, but that's not really relevant anyway.
This is a sane design regardless of toolkit IMHO. Why do you prefer to
conflate two entirely separate concepts into one set of code ? It seems
to me that it's only because xforms has happened to do the same


"I hope you will find the courage to keep on living 
 despite the existence of this feature."
        - Richard Stallman

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