On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 05:07:23PM +0100, Duncan Simpson wrote:
> In my experience if you do not know who has a reference to an object and what
> the scope of those references are the code is almost certaintly wrong anyway.
> Heavy STL users might not be so lucky but that may be just my prejudice. I
> often want a variantion on a structure on an unusual operation to be
> particularly fast so end up deciding STL is unsuitable and doing it manually
> instead. I think this results in faster and cleaner code in most cases.

I usually end up with one hand-made container and 20 std::containers...
As I profile my stuff at least for things that are likely to run for a
couple of week I don't have the impression that hand-made containers are
worth the trouble in general.
> Of coure my view might be due to PRG propaganda and PRG are not OO fans.

Actually, there are two aspects of OO: Encapsulation and Inheritance. And
while I am a big fan of the former I avoid the latter if possible. Now I
don't know whether this puts me in the 'OO fan block'.

> Yes, I know there is a certain amount of flame bait here. I will evn
> add to it by saying that the UML descirption is dangeruous ambiguous and
> the use of UML can only obfusciate any problem. Objects sending messages
> to each other are very nasty to analyse and UML just about makes it
> impossiblke by being vague on some critical points. Be warned that I have
> some reasons for the UML deflamation :-)

I've seen no flame bait so far...


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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