Dekel Tsur wrote:
> You seem to ignored my suggestions:
> - No LyX View buttons (except a single scale button)

Hmmm, if I temporarily want to display a single graph, do you want me set that for all
graphs in the prefs? I can imagine to have the prefs on "don't display", but when 
a new graph, you want to see while manipulating its size and bounding boxes.
For that the per-graph display is very convenient.

I do that many times: I open the graphics dialog, set the graph to display, modify the
sizes and/or bounding boxes, check whether that's right; then set display back to 

Also: when I want to modify some text that relates to a certain graph, I like to
display that particular graph temporarily for the time I'm editing the corresponding 
Once again: per-graph display is convenient.

Don't know if there are others agreeing with me. How about you?

> - No "GeT LyX size" button

Alright agree. I never use that myself.
But should we keep the "Get LaTeX size" for the LyX View sizes?
Or should that also go?

> - No "keep aspect ratio" button

We need a toggle button in my suggested "intelligent" Width/Height setup.
Okay, we may name it differently; maybe "fit within width/heigth and keep aspect 

When both, Width and Height, are provided, we need a toggle whether
the graph will be distorted to Width x Height size, or use Width x Height
as guidelines for maximum dimensions, by keeping the aspect ratio.

See we need another toggle; I called that still the old name "keep aspect ratio".

> Perhaps the filename and size buttons should be one the same tab as
> they are the most used fields.

I'm thinking of merging filename, LyX-size and output-size in the File-tab.


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