Hi Andre,

another small bug in mathed. I hope it has not been reported before:

- The following keys are not handled correctly in mathed:
      CTRL+CursorLeft  - the cursor is moved above (i.e. physically 

                         outside) the formula
                         though input is still added to the formula
                         Expected behavior (in normal text): skip to
                         previous word
      CTRL+CursorRight - as above, but the cursor is placed below the 

      CTRL+End         - the cursor is moved to the end of the document,
                         but input is still added to the math formula;
                         astonishingly, as soon as you leave the formula
                         you are *really* at the end of the doc, not past
                         the formula
                         Expected behavior: Same as Shift+End ???
      CTRL+Pos1        - as above

   Guess: Are these CTRL sequences ignored by math and passed to the
          event handler of the outer text handler???


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