Rob Lahaye wrote:
> Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> > Rob Lahaye wrote:

> Could you please *try* to enter INvalid input into the fields of
> Scale/Width/Height (File tab), or X/Y entries (Bounding box tab)?

> If you can, please let me know how you do that, because I can't!

I can't try it now because I have to do a fresh checkout first. But looking at 
the code, I see that you have set input filters for those fields. This is a 
regression IMHO.

Have a look at this discussion:

We have code that allows inserting units without using the unit choices (try 
out the other dialogs and enter e.g. "3cm", close and reopen). I think this 
should be consistent in all dialogs that have unit fields/choices. That's why 
I have added this facility (and text_warning fields) to all those dialogs a 
few months ago.

> BTW: you are using the latest Graphics dialog from recent CVS, aren't you?

No, not yet. I'm looking forward to your inprovements :-)


> Rob.

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