Hi Juergen.

I'm just back from some vacations, I hope I am not too late.

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> >>The problem is that I don't really like the approach and so I
> >>don't like to apply the patches. You can set the horizontal
> >>alignment of the pararaphs inside the cell with the paragraph
> >>layout, now if I would apply this that would not anymore be
> >>possible. I would like to fix this in some way just the way
> >>it is done there I don't really like that as it conflicts with
> >>the settings of the paragraph menu.

All the tests I've done indicate that, with my patch, the paragraph
setting take precedence on the column setting. But I tested only with
"text" paragraphs and single pictures, so may be I missed some point(s).

> But I did at that time when he proposed this patch on the
> mailing list. I told him what I don't like in the approach. But
> then we would need something like that, but with some other UI
> and definitively with some WYSIWYMG (no half backed stuff).

Sorry, I certainly didn't understand you, in which case I had tried and
find another approach. I thought that, after some exchanges while you were
on vacations, we agreed on this approach, and you just told me to wait for
1.2.0 to submit the patch again, because of the lot of changes in tabular
I really need this kind of feature. When you have several tabular and you
want all of them formated the same way (imagine e.g. a schedule for a
school, lists of items, etc... which appear at different places in the
text), it's really a pain to use the paragraph layout for each cell, and
using the "extra column alignment"  is not user friendly (though really
great when there is no dialog to achieve what you want !).

So please, could you explain to me a little bit more what you don't like
in the actual proposal, so I can try and help you to find a best way ?

As far as I remember
What is wrong now : the "tabularnewline" definition (needed by the
tex->html translators) appears in the preamble but once for each table of
the document. (Note that, although mandatory, this is not directly related
to the alignment issue and I suggest to use it systematically).

What is missing : WYSIWYM; I had a quick look on this but this needed
modifications on several parts of the code, so I was a bit afraid! IIRC,
you have to compute the "beginningOfTextInCell" (or something like this,
I'm just back and forgot a little bit this code ;-( ) according to the
column alignment and text inset width, but in order to do this you have to
get access to the actual width of the text as the inset width is then set
according to the column width :-(. And now, what will happen with the
inset background width itself ???

I hope this helps. Anyway, I would really appreciate to find a (good)
solution, as it is really painfull to try and modify each new release. So,
even if I am really slow at coding, please feel free to ask me for
some help.

Thank's again to all of you.


 *        Alain Castera                                            *
 * IPNL - UCB Lyon 1             | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
 * Bat. Paul Dirac               |      or        [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
 * Campus de la Doua             | Telephone :     (+33) 472448429 *
 * F69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX     | Fax :           (+33) 472448004 *

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