Today, lyx took it upon itself to change my spellchecker from aspell to
ispell.  After two rounds of setting it back, it seems to have taken (in
.lyx/preferences, but it now tells me that 

The spellchacker has failed
a dictionary file for the language of this document
Check your spellchecker or set another dictionary.

Aside from the tortured grammar, if something changes the way
preferences are saved, it should copy over the old ones or in some way
handle them intelligently!

Additionally, the popup error message seems to insert itself under my
pointer, wherever that is, interrupting whatever else I"m doing!


Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics    /"\   ASCII ribbon campaign
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Smeal 178  (814) 375-4700      \ /   against HTML mail
These opinions will not be those of              X    and postings. 
Penn State until it pays my retainer.           / \   

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