Rob Lahaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| You mean rounding problems according to main window width? Rather unlikely.
| I open the document with the main window width of 500 (is the default).
| The overlap problem is there, but is corrected as soon as I increase the
| width slightly. However, When I then close and reopen the document
| (without changing the width the main window!), the document opens again
| with the same overlap problem. Resizing the width back to the original
| 500 fixes the problem.
| Note: stretching the main window's height doesn't have this effect.
| Apparently changing the width of the main window, has a particular side
| action. Could be forcing a redraw, which does not happen during a height change.
| Does that give a clue?

No, not really. Only that it must be some initialization problem.


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