Attached is a screenshot of the typical LyX screen after it's resized using 
the mouse.

I suspect that we get these problems because we aren't using the xforms event 
loop properly. (The gurus keep muttering about this occasionally I think, but 
I've never got to the bottom of what was wrong until now). 

As I understand it, the event loop works so:
                        * watch for XEvents for SHORT_PAUSE ms 
                           (hardcoded as 10ms).
                        * handle these XEvents, putting the affected FL_OBJECT 
                        on a stack for more expensive processing.
                while (XEvents to process)

                * process the FL_OBJECTs on this stack by calling 
                  obj->object_callback and popping off the stack.

obj->handle is meant to provide cheap, initial processing.
obj->object_callback can be more expensive.

I think that we bugger things up in the XWorkArea by having a handle that 
does everything. Ie, it handles the event and then calls the LyX core to 
finish processing it with calls like
                                ev->xbutton.x - ob->x,
                                ev->xbutton.y - ob->y,

It strikes me that all we need to do is put these FuncRequests onto a stack 
in the handler and then pop-them off and dispatch them in the subsequent 
callback routine. 

I think that adding a FuncStack member variable, below, to XWorkArea would do 
the trick. Have I got the right end of this stick? If not would someone 
knowledgable provide me with illumination!


class FuncStack {
        FuncStack(XworkArea & parent) : parent_(parent) {}

        push_back(FuncRequest const & request) { store.push_back(request); }

        process() {
                Store::iterator it = store.begin();
                Store::iterator end = store.end();
                for (; it != end; ++it) {
        XworkArea & parent_;

        typedef list<FuncRequest> Store;
        Store store;

<<attachment: screenshot.png>>

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