On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 06:25:47PM +0000, Edwin Leuven wrote:

> > q1 is unknown () ??Ydiaeresis
> is this the same as Key_ydiaeresis?

no, that's lowercase

> http://doc.trolltech.com/3.0/qt.html#Key-enum
> (Key_ydiaeresis = 0x0ff)

moz X11 190 cgrepall Ydiaeresis
./HPkeysym.h:74:#define hpXK_Ydiaeresis         0x100000EE
./HPkeysym.h:150:#ifndef XK_Ydiaeresis
./HPkeysym.h:151:#define XK_Ydiaeresis           0x100000ee
./keysymdef.h:769:#define XK_Ydiaeresis          0x13be

We  really have no choice here, I think. Maybe one day Qt will be usable

"Trolls like content too."
        - Bob Abooey, /.

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