On Thursday 05 December 2002 6:31 pm, John Levon wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 06:23:17PM +0000, Angus Leeming wrote:
> > >   lyx_gui::getClipboard(BufferView & bv);
> > >
> > >   lyx_gui::putClipboard(string const & str);
> > >
> > > What's the problem with doing this ?
> >
> > There is no problem. I'm glad that I understood the code.
> >
> > I was merely pointing out that this requires knowledge of the current
> > BufferView and I thought that that was something we were trying to do
> > away with.
> It is only required for xforms. Qt does not need it. Each bufferview can
> connect to lyx_gui selectionRequested slot.
> Here are the operations and how Qt could handle them (thinking on my
> feet ...) :
>       lyx_gui::haveSelection()
>               -> tell QApplication
>       lyx_gui::putClipboard
>               -> tell QApplcation
>       lyx_gui::getClipboard(bv)
>               -> fill bv from QApplication
>       QWorkArea::selectionRequested (event)
>               -> fire lyx_gui::selectionRequested
>               which fires all BufferViews::selectionRequested.
>               The one that has a selection calls putClipboard
>       QWorkArea::selectionLost (event)
>               -> fire lyx_gui::selectionLost
>               fires all BufferViews to de-select
> For xforms, put/getClipboard requires a widget, for some odd reason.
> That's where we need to get access to an xforms widget, but this is
> xforms only.
> > > xforms may indeed need a work area for handling the get/put, but this
> > > can be any work_area at all, since it's not workarea specific. Such a
> > > requirement should be behind the frontends firewall IMHO.
> >
> > Sometimes I'm not sure we talk the same language.
> Oh, roughly the same ...
> > I will note that there's a a one-to-one correspondence between BufferView
> > and WorkArea, so I really don't see what point you're trying to make.
> That there is no intrisic reason current_view has to exist outside of
> frontends/xforms

Actually, I think we're Ok for xforms too.
        fl_register_raw_callback(fl_current_form, FL_ALL_EVENT, C_event_cb);
to XFormsView, which then loops over its list of BufferViews and calls their 
selectionRequested(), selectionLost() methods. No problems with keeping track 
of current_view at all.


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