On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 07:51:12PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:

> > Is there some Qt user who could test this ? Is there somebody who would
> > be willing to test a QLyXKeySym that tries to iterate through all codecs
> > with canEncode() to find a codec that can convert to getISOEncoded ?
> What exactly do you expect us to do? I for one am interested.

On second thoughts, there's no way I can work out any of this stuff.
So there's not much point in me hacking around in the dark.

For starters, I have no idea why loading ru_splash into xforms and qt
differs. I don't expect it to work since  I have prefs set to is8859-1,
but I don't know why xforms just shows wrong fonts, and qt shows '?'

It's going to need some clever person who understands encodings,
unicode, etc. to do something.


"Anyone who says you can have a lot of widely dispersed people hack away on
 a complicated piece of code and avoid total anarchy has never managed a 
 software project."
        - Andy Tanenbaum

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