On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> You have a single inset in the middle row, so if you place the
> selection anchor outside, the cursor can't go inside lest we would have
> "partial insets". Now the cursor is places "as close as legally possible",
> which, in your case is the line above or below.
> Show me a couple of them and tell me how to handle "partial insets".

Sorry, I didn't myself clear. I don't want "partial insets", and doubt
that they would be useful. What I was trying to say is that the cursor
should not jump to the first or the third rows while you move the mouse.
That is, while you move the mouse over the inset, the cursor should be at
the end of the inset. Otherwise, if while dragging you move the mouse
outside the inset, perhaps going over the first or the third rows, then
and only then the first or the third rows should be selected.

Think about a newbie that starts to copy a large inset. He starts to move
the mouse and not only the whole inset gets imediately selected (which is
natural), but also neighbour insets. As he moves the mouse, more undesired
things will be selected. He will be confused and stop what he was trying
to do unless he knows that if he goes farther, then suddenly less things
will be selected.

This is not critical, of course. Anyone can get used with this behavior.

Thank you,

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