Angus Leeming wrote:

Hi Angus, thanks for the answers.

> I can answer that. Three classes are interested in graphics.
> insets/insetgraphics.C together with mathed/formula.C and
> insets/insetinclude.C for the previews. These latter two have
> instances of a class PreviewImpl that derives from
> grfx::PreviewedInset. InsetGraphics has an instance of a Cache class.
> In all cases the loading of the image is triggered by the Inset's
> draw() method. Eg InsetGraphics::draw has
>        if (cache_->loader.status() == grfx::WaitingToLoad)
>                 cache_->loader.startLoading(*this, *bv);

I see. But draw() is called for all insets at startup time, right? All the
document is drawn at startup, even if it's not visible.
I'm asking this because I think the optimum would be to 'refresh' i.e.
touch() all WaitingToLoad grafics near the cursor (up and down) at every
time. Or something like that.

> We're always nice ;-) Seriously, this is very clever of you and

Im blushing.

> surprisingly non-invasive. Where/who would call loadNext?

loadNext is the threaded part, it's called automatically every .1 seconds.

> Did you find the graphics code understandable or did you find it to
> be a convoluted mess? What could be done to improve the architecture?

I think it's nice. Of course it's not simple, but neither it's task is.
I still have some problems understanding some parts. I will get to specific
questions soon. You are asking _me_ hoy to improve it? I'm blushing again.
Never programmed a graphics loading mechanism before. Let me get used to
it, and I will tell you.
What are the problems in it, apart from the 'convoluted' code? (I think part
of the convolution will go if we make it threaded... this 2 secs call back
for instance)

> I have a question/suggestion for you myself. (Thinking out loud
> really.) Do you think it would be easy to split the "conversion to
> loadable format" stuff out of grfx::CacheItem?
> At the moment we have one conversion process for each file to
> convert, so several processes run in parallel (with possibly nasty
> consequences on the system resources). It would be nice to gather
> them together into a single script and launch that. What do you think?

I think it can be easily implemented with the 'threaded' paradigm as the
image loading (even maybe together?). That's it: you request some
conversion, it is added to some queue, and done when time comes,
sequentially (by the threaded part). What do you think?

Thank Angus. 

Bye, Alfredo

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