On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 00:54, John Levon wrote:
> Personally I believe the UI benefit in the paragraph not going away when
> you're about to type into vs. the cost of allowing the user to leave an
> empty paragraph or two around is worth it. I guess you disagree.

I want the paragraph to stay around when I'm about to type into it.

I also want empty paragraphs to be culled in real-time, I can't stand
having more than one way to draw the same data, since it encourages me
to go on a cleaning spree to make it neat and tidy. Just like the way
you sometimes go cleaning up C code to conform to your coding style,
when it makes no difference to the compiler.

I understand the concept of WYSIWYM but it's an aspect of human
psychology to go on cleaning sprees to make things look right. It's like
a mild compulsion I guess, like cleaning up TeX output of LyX so it
looks nice even though it changes nothing but looks better. Plus there's
the possibility of giving a LyX document to somebody else, in which case
the blank paragraphs *do* have an effect, they look bad.

So having only one way to display the data is important. Blank
paragraphs which don't really exist are a Bad Thing IMHO, if they aren't

> john

Have fun,

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