On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 01:26:54AM +0100, John Levon wrote:
> As discussed. Also it gets in the way of fixing the optional<> crashes.
> OK ?

[Fine with me.]


>       LFUN_EXPORT,                    // Lgb 97-07-29
>       LFUN_REF_GOTO,                  // Ale 970806
> -     LFUN_PARENTINSERT,              // Ale 970813
> -     // 180
>       LFUN_LDOTS,                     // Asger 970929
> +     // 180

I wonder whether we shouldn't use explicit

  LFUN_LDOTS = 180

etc here. It would make looking up the 'LFUN_*' tag from some numerical id
(which is not too uncommon during debugging) much easier.

I know that this introduces the risk of duplicated codes, but running some
grep/cut/uniq combo from time to time should help...


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.     (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

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