Martin Vermeer wrote:
> You have a point. Actually I think I'll drop petite for now (I don't
> seem to find a LaTeX env of that name -- I did see one somewhere).

I just had a look. There is relsize.sty, but this seems only to change the 
fontsize of standard environments (could be used to make petite notes of one 
environment type). Math and images are excluded anyway.

> Then, Footnote and Margin are already provided for and can be left out
> of this work. What is left is your number I.


> An argument could be made (as Lars did some time ago) for further splitting
> this into
> Ia: Note, Comment, Greyedout <--> insetnote
> Ib: Branch <--> insetbranch (new).
> This would somewhat simplify the logic in both, at the price of more
> total code.
> What would your preference be?

It sounds logical to me, since (intention-wise) an annotation (Ia) is a 
completely different thing than the preparation of different results for 
different purposes (Ib). Of course a reasonable scenario is the combination 
of the two approaches, like: make a branch "draft", where my comments will 
get printed Greyedout. But this can be achieved by nesting Ia into Ib.

> > WRT petite
> > and probably greyedout I am not shure if this is in fact not a character
> > style and should be handled in the hopefully-eventually-coming character
> > style sheme of LyX.
> No, I disagree. The *function* of character style is different: to
> summarize, an assign a name to, a way in which a certain semantic
> should be displayed/printed, e.g. noun <--> small caps. It's not about
> highlighting/lowlighting/annotating.

Point taken.

> > I don`t know if it is a good idea to
> > hardcode the color. You could let the user chose the greyscale range
> > (0-1).
> Nah. This isn't painting, it's just a negative form of highlighting.
> One gray will do.

Thanks for taking the comments seriously.

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