I open the attached LyX file. Double-click on the gray Note to open it.
Then double-click again to close it. Now save the file and exit.

On the console:

InsetCollapsable::localDispatch: 219 ''
InsetCollapsable::localDispatch: 217 ''
InsetCollapsable::localDispatch: 218 ''
InsetCollapsable::localDispatch: 219 ''
Pararaph::getEndPosOfFontSpan: This should not happen!


By the way, what is the Gray Note stuff usefull for?

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

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