On Thursday 31 July 2003 4:01 pm, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> > Store the R,G,B triple...
> Excuse me? That's a no-no for LyX. Visual instead of logical mark-up
> :-(

Don't be ridiculous! The logical mark-up is that you are saying that branch 
<branch-name> is to be displayed in such and such away. It is nothing more 
than a style-sheet for a branch.

Thereafter, in the document, the user will specify branch <branch-name> and 
the thing will display as specified in the 'style sheet'.

> I say, call it 'red', and allow the configurer (in Preferences) to
> creatively interpret 'redness' in terms of a triplet R, G and B that
> works as a background for his or her text (which, as you said earlier,
> may well be white on a dark background, calling for a dark 'red'...)

And I say that branches are document-specific and that preferences need know 
nothing about them. Define how the branch is to be displayed at the top of 
the document and then get on and use it.

> You may object to this, but I see 'redness' in this sense as a (quasi-)
> logical property, the rendering of which can left somewhat free.
> 255,0,0 does not have that freedom. Like 'noun' vs. 'smallcaps' or
> 'emph' vs.  'italic'.

Well, this concept of 'redness' is entirely artificial. The concept is 'colour 
of branch <branch name>'.

> PS the 'political' problem to be decided upon now wrt. Branches is the
> extension to the document format that it implies. *Not* the actual code
> or implementation; that can change. Bugs will be found and fixed, code
> cleaned up and the UI polished. But the doc format will be with us, so
> *that's the decision to take* and the no. 1 issue to address in
> discussing acceptance of my patch.

> (which could become
> ---
> \branch Russian
> \selected 0
-  \color red
+ \color 1,0,0
> \end_branch

So swap your arbitrary 'red' for something specifiable by the user and I agree 
with the rest entirely.


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