have been thinking about Jean-Marc's proposal to scrap InsetGraphics entirely and use InsetExternal in its place. Essentially, he suggests extending the ExternalTemplate grammar so that the dialog would have extra widgets that 'appear by magic' if the template supports scaling, rotating etc.
I imagined something like (below), although it is still a little fuzzy around the edges. In particular, I am unsure how to tell LyX that it should supply the various parameters. See, eg, the $$float variable in <transform name="scale">. More confusingly still, I have no idea how to specify how these things could be nested. See the mess on the <success> line... <format name="xfig"> <target name="latex_for_latex"> <export_formats>ps_tex</export_formats> <export_format name="ps_tex"> <files>$$base.eps $$base.ps_tex</files> </export_format> <transform name="scale"> <begin> \scalebox{$$float}{ </begin> <end> } </end> </transform> <transform name="rotate"> <begin> \rotatebox{$$length}{ </begin> <end> } </end> </transform> <output> <success> $$transforms "\input{$$base.ps_tex}"</success> <failure> \framebox{Unable to generate $$base.ps_tex} </failure> </output> </target> </format> The disadvantage of all this is that the different latex flavours (if Alfredo's dream comes true) will duplicate identical code. Can xml handle <target name="latex_for_pdflatex" contents="latex_for_latex"> or similar? Presumably we would also need some grammar to specify what additional widgets were needed on the dialog. Here I can imagine "LyX scale" for the size on the LyX screen, together with "scale" and "rotate" for the parameters exported (in this case) to latex. Any input from the experts? -- Angus