
I came across this link, and thought maybe it would be interesting to some 
of you.


It's an article with the title: "Data Structures for Text Sequences", and 
here's the abstract:

        The data structure used ot maintain the sequence of characters is 
        an important part of a text editor. This paper investigates and 
        evaluates the range of possible data structures for text 
        sequences. The ADT interface to the text sequence component of a 
        text editor is examined. Six common sequence data structures 
        (array, gap, list, line pointers, fixed size buffers and piece 
        tables) are examined and then a general model of sequence data 
        structures that encompasses all six structures is presented. The 
        piece table method is explained in detail and its advantages are 
        presented. The design space of sequence data structures is 
        examined and several variations on the ones listed above are 
        presented. These sequence data structures are compared 
        experimentally and evaluated based on a number of criteria. The 
        experimental comparison is done by implementing each data 
        structure in an editing simulator and testing it using a synthetic 
        load of many thousands of edits. We also report on experiments on
        the senstivity of the results to variations in the parameters used 
        to generate the synthetic editing load.


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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