On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 02:53:27PM +0100, Angus Leeming spake thusly:
> Martin Vermeer wrote:
> > Yes, I know how gettext works -- I did the first Dutch and Finnish
> > translations remember? But I still don't get what Lars wanted
> > me to do. Please bend it in copperwire for me. Remember I'm a little
> > dumb :-)
> My misunderstanding.
> Ok, I think that Lars is suggesting
> // file frontends/xforms/xformsBC.h
> class xformsBC : public GuiBC<FL_OBJECT, FL_OBJECT> {
> public:
>         xformsBC(ButtonController const &,
>                  string const & = N_("Cancel"),
>                  string const & = N_("Close"));
>         ...
> ];

> or presumably alternatively:
> // file frontends/xforms/xformsBC.C
> void xformsBC::setButtonLabel(FL_OBJECT * obj, string const & label) 
> const
> {
>         fl_set_object_label(obj, _(label).c_str());
> }

Yes! This bites. At least for Cancel and Close.

Now the same for the inset dialog headers (Note, Minipage, ...) I know
where to put the N_(), but where goes _()?

- Martin
> -- 
> Angus

By the way, I run CVS LyX uninstalled. Relevant?

- M

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