On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 04:05:40PM +0200, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> Ok... I had another problem since QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3-gcc2.96...
> I have no idea where this variable is set though..., but I really 
> think the ./configure script should protest in this case. (It didn't 
> and I got loads of linking errors).
> Here's the result of configuration (with QTDIR set):
> Configuration
>   Host type:                      i686-pc-linux-gnu
>   Special build flags:            warnings assertions use-pspell 
> compression
>   C   Compiler:                   gcc
>   C   Compiler flags:             -g -O2
>   C++ Compiler:                   g++ (3.3.1)
>   C++ Compiler flags:             -g -O -fno-exceptions -W -Wall
>   Linker flags:                   
>   Qt Frontend:
>       Qt version:             
>   LyX binary dir:                 /pkg/mdhacks/pkg/lyx/devel/HEAD/qt/bin
>   LyX files dir:     /pkg/mdhacks/pkg/lyx/devel/HEAD/qt/share/lyx-1.4.0cvs
> Shouldn't it say something after 'Qt Frontend' and 'Qt version' ?
> Anyway, it's compiling again with a manually set QTDIR, but I have to 
> leave in a few minutes, so I'll continue with this tonight.



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