Kornel Benko wrote:

> On Samstag, 29. November 2003 22:20, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Could the Qt-ers amongst you try out the attached patch. It gives
>> you scrolling behaviour similar to that of the xforms frontend.
>> Specifically, if you move the mouse cursor above/below the work
>> area, you should get 'sensible' scrolling behaviour.
>> Try it out and let me know.
> 1.) It feels still too fast selecting below the work area.

Could you try changing the length of the timeout to (say) 400ms from 
its current 200ms. See line 81 of QContentPane.C:

QContentPane::QContentPane(QWorkArea * parent)
        : QWidget(parent, "content_pane", WRepaintNoErase),
          timeout_(200), track_scrollbar_(true), wa_(parent)

> 2.) If one starts selecting below the area, then the try to deselect
> some parts, i.e. select above, nonetheless continues selecting the
> parts below. (Don't know, if I express myself understandably enough)

So, you keep the mouse button pressed, move it below the work area so 
that the text starts scrolling and then move it up so that the cursor 
is in the work area once again? And the text keeps being scrolled?

Hmmm, interesting.


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