Is this for Qt or Xforms (I'm trying it under Qt).


1. If I hit "New" to define a new converter, then the selection jumps to the last converter defined instead of showing me maybe something like "Empty -> Empty".

It does, seems kind of pointless doesn't it ;-) I think you should bugzilla this (it can always be marked as duplicate).

I'm not quite sure what should go on bugzilla, maybe the entire problem including the problems mentioned below too?

And for the current selection, the converter that has already been defined shows up in the "Converter" box and has the command to be executed. This is pretty confusing...

I don't understand... could you try explaining once more?

My sincere apologies... what I wrote is pretty confusing in itself.. so what I meant was after I hit "New", the selection jumps to the last converter defined and if you look at the "Converter" command-box on the right, then you see the converter that's been defined for this last selection.. For example, if you look at the screenshot shows what I see after I hit "New" .. the selection jumps to the last converter already defined which is "EPS -> PDF" and the stuff in the red ellipse (or sorta ellipse) is what I'm referring to as the "Converter command-box".. so in essence, I don't see anything "New" happening here .. if I at least got an empty Converter command-box, then it would seem like a "New" converter could be defined ... so this prompts me to hit "New" once more. And what I get now is:

where the Converter command-box is empty but the selection stays on "EPS -> PDF" as shown in the red ellipse... I'll call the red ellipse part the "selection-box"..

Weird... as you say, pressing "New" again seems to clear the last selection.. should it really do that? Anyone?

I would think that it should do this on hitting "New" for the first time - i.e., when I try to define a new converter and hit "New", the Converter command-box should be empty and the selection-box should show something other than the last defined converter .. maybe "Empty->Empty" or "New->New" or something, but not an already existing converter.

If you do Edit->Preferences->Converters and then "New", "New" (i.e. twice) and finally by press "Save", .lyx/preferences gets these extra lines:

\converter "latex" "dvi" "" ""
\converter "eps" "pdf" "" ""

I suspect this isn't good... it should probably also be bugzillaed.

I wasn't sure if this was due to the current attempt to define a new converter or if it was the result of something I'd done earlier (I didn't save a backup of the old preferences so couldn't check).. thanks for confirming this.

So I enter a new converter by selecting the input type and output type (in this case, I was defining a converter from dvi to pdf using dvipdf (it's dvipdf and not dvipdfm on my Mandrake system for some reason), hit Apply, Save and then reconfigure and restart LyX. Now, I don't see the View-> pdftex option anymore which uses ps2pdf to convert to pdf but the new converter "PDF (dvipdfm)" has appeared.

I'm lost now - should 'View->pdftex' have been available?

I should've clarified -- it was available earlier, so there's no reason for it to disappear now.... all that should've happened was a new converter with the option "View -> PDF (dvipdfm)" with the rest of the View options the same...

Maybe you could give the list of what you did in a little more detail?
(i.e. as a step-by-step for dummies :-) Then I could try and reproduce it.

Yes, hope this is more clear.. (I shouldn't have attempted to do something like this at that hour of the morning! :-) )

I only remember that I've been surpised by the UI for defining converters before, but I'm guessing this isn't in bugzilla...

Same here.. the last time I was trying to define a new converter to automate the bundledoc operation so that we could have a converter that automatically creates a zip or tar or gz file which contains the lyx file, .tex file, figures, and all other cls and sty files (this is what bundledoc does) .. this is quite useful for anyone who collaborates with non-lyxers who use LaTeX.. I think I filed something on bugzilla for a converter of this sort to be included in LyX by default but can't be sure.. need to go check...

Would be great if someone could please confirm that this converters thing isn't in bugzilla...


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