>>>>> "Juergen" == Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Juergen> I remember having a longer discussion with JMarc about this
Juergen> quite some time ago. AFAIR JMarc argued that this is needed
Juergen> but not as trivial as it seems to be.

I think that I kept some of the messages around. The outcome was that
what different people regarded as the basic things that quotes should
do was difficult to implement while keeping the system coherent.

My proposal at the time was basically to have two kind of quotes (typically
outer and nested, for example) that would have a sensible default for
each language, and to bind this to two different keys.

Juergen> However, in the meantime, an excellent package for "context
Juergen> sensible quotation marks" has been released and is available
Juergen> on ctan (and very much praised on de.comp.text.tex):
Juergen> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/csquotes/

It looks indeed very interesting.

Of course, it is not something we can rely on as being installed.

Juergen> I wonder if we shouldn't support this instead of reinventing
Juergen> the wheel. 

We can also steal the logic (which is probably something that fits
many people) and reimplement it in LyX terms. I am not sure how robust
the use of active characters is for example.

And LyX should still be able to output ``normal quoting''.

Anyway InsetQuote badly needs a redesign.


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